Thank you for your support and feedback on the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. While no launch is without its bumps, we are pleased with how the platform has performed and really appreciate each and every email we’ve received from you. Hopefully you’ve already seen how your suggestions directly influence our development…so keep them coming!

Company About Tab
The Company About tab will function as a landing page for every company and will feature critical financial and extra-financial performance measures, board and management leadership, and key engagements on Verity! You will see this page take shape over the coming weeks as we finalize its design.

Auto-Reply Messages & Engagement Levels
Auto-Reply Messages have been added to your Profile. You can set default messages and engagement levels to be displayed when users reach out to you within the Interchange tool

How To Use Verity
We updated the “How To Use Verity” link along the bottom bar of the site with short tutorials of key features

Other Updates:

  • Pricing information included with companies in Search results
  • Page numbers in Search results
  • Miscellaneous Bugs: Fixes to charts, linking, commenting, date alignments and other bugs.