Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. We have some exciting things to share with you today, so let’s get to it!

Engagement is the focus of this week’s update. Today we are officially unveiling the face of collective engagements; Verity Engagement Records! Our records are permanent, transparent, discoverable and embeddable evidence of participation/fiduciary duty that easily allows moderators to manage administrative needs as well as communicate important facets of the engagement with external audiences. To support this update and engagements in general, we are introducing a few other new capabilities this week: pinning shared engagement documents to the record, document previews, assigning engagement stages and collective engagement “announcements”. More details below.

If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

? Verity Engagement Records (VER)
We are very excited to introduce Verity Engagement Records (VERs) to you today. VERs offer engagement moderators both administrative functionality as well the ability to share important information about the engagement with external audiences such as the intent of the engagement or key documents (i.e. summary outcome documents, shareholder letters, research, etc). VERs provide a permanent, transparent record for evidence of participation/fiduciary duty that is embeddable into CSR reports (or other similar documents) as well as broadly discoverable. Upon Verity’s graduation from beta, VERs will be able to be directly linked to from external pages or even found and viewed by anyone via search engines such as Google. Importantly, the content of the collective engagement itself will remain behind the record and its level of visibility will be entirely determined by the moderator upon the initiation of the engagement (engagement content is only accessible to Verity subscribers). VERs are currently accessible via a company’s Engagement tab or via its permanent URL. Much more to come over the next few months including enhanced formatting, discussions around Verity Engagement Record metrics and the unveiling of our Engagement Library!

Engagement Features
This week we’ve also deployed several smaller, but important quality of life improvements to the Interchange Engagement Management tool. Including…

Pinning Shared Engagement Documents to the Engagement Record
Moderators can pin engagement documents to the Engagement Record to share with an external audience (i.e. shareholder letter, research, engagement purpose statement, etc).

Engagement Document Previews
Click the magnifying glass to preview the document and the down arrow to download it to your machine.

Assigning an Engagement Stage
Moderators can communicate what stage the collective engagement is in to prospective participants or other interested parties.

Engagement Announcements
Automated announcements to let engagement participants know about the start of conference calls, the changing of Engagement Record elements or other updates.

? Bug Fixes and Structural Improvements

There have been substantial structural improvements made to the platform related to stability and usability. Some areas include…
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Engagements
  • PunchCards