Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. Before diving into this week’s updates we want to take a moment to address the events that have been playing out over the last few weeks in streets across the country. We share in the outrage over the horrific murder of George Floyd and by the treatment to peaceful protesters that have unified around a simple ask: justice and equality. As a company we believe it’s important to lend our voice to this conversation, but perhaps just as importantly, it’s a time for us to listen, to learn and to act. We understand none of these issues are new, that we do not have all of the answers (or even some of them) and especially, that simply voicing our support for change is not enough. In the coming weeks we will release a statement that further explores these issues as well as an initiative that leverages the capabilities of Verity to directly address systemic inequality and racism. Please feel free to reach out to us if you wish to learn more about the initiative or stay tuned for our statement.

This week we are excited to unveil an important organizational update on Verity: Thematic Profiles. Thematic profiles will function as hubs of information and aim to provide users with a holistic perspective on these critical issues. If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

?️ Introducing Thematic Profiles!
This week we are excited to unveil Thematic Profiles! Thematic profiles will act as hubs for information on issues that transcend any one particular company or sector. They will collect relevant data, documents, engagements and even organizations/contacts to allow users to gain a more holistic perspective by interacting with the issues across a variety of channels. Users can access the thematic profiles by clicking on the theme in a contextual overlay (as seen below) and soon will be able to directly search for them.

? Bug Fixes, Usability Tweaks and Structural Improvements
In the past week fixes were made to the CDP Water contextual overlay data, company profiles, scheduling calendar events, initiating collective engagements and breakout rooms.