Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. We are back this week with a quick update. This week we have added the accompanying presentations to the transcripts available on Verity. This includes presentations for annual shareholder meetings, earnings calls and other conference presentations. We’ve also made several important bug and UI fixes. 

Next week we will be back with a very exciting update so please stay tuned! If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

? Presentations!
This week we added the accompanying presentations to the transcripts available on Verity. This includes presentations for annual shareholder meetings, earnings calls and industry conferences. Presentations can be accessed from search results (under Documents –> Publications & Reports) and in the Information Box of the Transcript. We have already loaded a substantial batch of presentations and will continue to add more as the week wears on. 

? Bug Fixes, Usability Tweaks and Structural Improvements
Updates and fixes to commenting, transcripts and the Interchange engagement tool.