Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. We are back this week with one important update and then several smaller updates that set the groundwork for important future developments. Of particular note this week is the addition of contextual overlay information for CDP Water data. This means that all CDP data – climate, water & forest- now contain critical contextual information to enable the user to really dig into a given issue. The next “update” is actually a collection of bug fixes, usability tweaks and structural enhancements. Perhaps not immediately exciting, but critical to future platform enhancements. If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

? CDP Water Data – Contextual Overlay
This week we added contextual information to all CDP Water data. This means all CDP data on the platform now contains important contextual information so users can drill down and truly understand these issues. Simply reviewing a historical trend will not help a user forecast how the issue may evolve in the future. A better approach is reviewing whether there is board or management oversight of the issue, internal processes to address the findings and financial incentives to reward progress. This is the type of the information we surface and users can access with the click of any (I) icon next to a data point.

? Bug Fixes, Usability Tweaks and Structural Improvements
In preparation for larger, future updates, we spent a lot of time this past week cleaning up our code base. This includes bug fixes, usability tweaks (based upon your feedback, thank you!) and important structural enhancements that are needed to bring you the next round of exciting updates!