Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. We are back this week with an important quality of life update and numerous bug fixes. To enhance the utility of engagements and allow for more focused communication within them, this week we have implemented direct (@) messaging! If you wish to directly address one particular person within an engagement simply @ them and if they are not currently logged on they will receive a notification of your message. We also made several important bug fixes this week that are detailed below. 

If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

@ Direct Messaging
This week we unveiled direct messaging within our “Interchange” engagement tool. We recognize there will be instances within an engagement when a user will wish to directly address another user. By simply including “@” before a user’s name you can ensure that the subsequent message will be directed towards them. If that user is not logged onto the platform, an email notification will be sent to alert them of the message.

? Bug Fixes and Structural Improvements

  • Audio Files disappearing from transcripts
  • Commenting bugs on data points
  • Fixed recurring Calendar Events and end times
  • Fixed disappearing publication names
  • Fixed timeline on documents
  • Fixed pagination on certain screens