Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. As we approach the culmination of our open beta period we just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their feedback. Verity is a much better platform thanks to your input and we look forward to strengthening our relationship with you through our launch and beyond. Going forward we will be spacing out our updates to a bi-weekly frequency to allow us more time to test new features.

This week we are back with an exciting new feature, a new set of data and a substantial number of structural improvements. We recently overhauled our Stakeholder Profiles in order to provide a far more comprehensive picture of an organization’s activities, expertise and contributions to the platform. We also added the rich contextual information to the Ranking Digital Rights data sets to provide a far deeper understanding of the issues they cover.

If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

?️ Stakeholder Profile Pages
This week we overhauled Stakeholder Profile Pages to provide a far more comprehensive overview of the organization. The approach we took was “if one is brand new to the organization, what would they want to know?” With a quick glance a user can now review a description, see if the organization is part of any coalitions, their key programs, thematic expertise, featured publications, involvement in public engagements and a standard Feed for recent updates. Stakeholder Profile Pages are a key node in our efforts to weave together a more complete picture of relationships between companies, investors, stakeholders and key thematic and financial issues. Our Verity AI tool plays an important role in this process by identifying the relative placement within that venn diagram and in doing so, hopefully assisting in breaking down barriers to direct and indirect interaction.

? Ranking Digital Rights – Contextual Information
We are very excited this week to share a new set of the rich,contextual information from Ranking Digital Rights. It accompanies the data sets from RDR that already exist on the platform. Together, they provide the capacity for a far deeper understanding of data security/privacy issues. Ranking Digital Rights has done a fantastic job of identifying the relative performance of companies within their universe on these issues, however if you have ever asked yourself questions such as “how should companies be handling data breaches? what are best practices? what does company X do?” or “what does a score of 50% on this issue mean (so I know that I’m utilizing this data set properly)?” then the information contained in each factor’s contextual overlay is exactly what you are looking for!

? Bug Fixes and Structural Improvements

There have been substantial structural improvements made to the platform related to stability and usability. Some areas include…
  • Time Series Analysis – multi-series
  • Payments/Marketplace
  • Transcripts
  • Engagements