Thank you for your feedback and support of the Verity beta! We hope everyone is well and staying safe. We are back this week with our biggest update yet! Over the last two weeks our team has been working hard to expand the foundation of our Interchange engagement tool with an eye towards significant near-term expansion, including adding the #1 most requested feature this week: private side-conversations within collective engagements. We’re also excited to announce the on-boarding of a new collaborator: The 5 Gyres Institute! Finally, users can now edit displayed data series within the Time Series Analysis tool for significantly more flexibility in your analysis. As always, we really appreciate all of your feedback. If you wish to speak with us directly, please don’t hesitate to contact us at to schedule a call.

?️ Introducing Breakout Rooms
Our developers spent the last two weeks laying the groundwork to significantly expand the capabilities of our Interchange engagement tool. First up was the #1 requested feature: the ability to have private conversations within a collective engagement. To accomplish this, we are introducing breakout rooms. Breakout Rooms are public or private “side-conversations” that occur within a collective engagement. Perhaps you’re tackling a complicated subject matter like supply chains and wish to have dedicated discourse on conflict minerals or traceability, no problem: create a public breakout room. If privacy is needed, set it to private. While we believe increasing transparency within collective engagements is an important aim, we also recognize there are times when privacy is needed to discuss sensitive issues and push a conversation forward. To balance our aim with this need, upon the completion of every collective engagement we will award a transparency score to convey how much of the engagement occurred “in the open.” We want the Interchange to be a full-service engagement tool and to meet the needs of all users and all use-cases. If there are any features you wish to see please let us know!

?⛵ Say Hello to – The 5 Gyres Institute
5 Gyres is the preeminent thought-leader on reducing plastics pollution. They were the first organization to research plastics pollution across all five main subtropical gyres and determine how much plastic is on the surface of the world’s ocean. They were first to discover plastic microbeads are polluting our waterways and after two years of coalition-building and campaigning, were instrumental in the passage of the Microbead-Free Waters Act, signed into law by President Obama in 2015. Since 2017, 5 Gyres has been in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. 

? Edit Entity and Data Series within the Time Series Analysis Tool
Instead of conducting another search to find the data points you are looking for, simply edit the”Entity” or “Series” fields and go! Add multiple series to dig deeper into a topic or compare companies across the same parameter.

Other Updates:

  • Miscellaneous Bugs: Fixes to About tab, Interchange engagement tool Time Series Analysis tool.